I'm generating my Knot's config from a Jinja2 template, and I'm having a
problem with one thing. For example, if I have a list of elements,
[e1,e2,e3,e4], and I want to generate a "groups" config for these based
on a condition, and I do:

groups {
  mygroup {
{% for x in list %}
{% if condition %}
    {{ x }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

However, this results in a syntax error, because the last element ends
with a comma, and then there's a closing bracket.

I tried to insert the comma conditionally, by checking to see if it was
the last element, but this can also fail if the last element didn't
match the condition.

So I thought about this ugly hack:

groups {
  mygroup {
{% for x in list %}
{% if condition %}
    ,{{ x }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Notice that I have the comma *before* each element. This results in an
opening brace, a comma, and then the other elements. My supposition is
that Knot's syntax parser is okay with this, because it just sees a null
first element. If I check this with knotc's "checkconf", it says the
syntax is okay.

Can I safely use such a config?

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