Hello Sarah,

The dnstap module is still in Knot 2.5.1 but the package was unintentionally 
built without this static module.
We will probably add the module as a separate package. Stay tuned!

The error message means that the configuration is unknown for the server as the 
module is missing and
the server doesn't know if the section name is just a typo. I will consider a 
better error message for
unknown section names beginning with the "mod-" prefix.


On 06/14/2017 07:21 PM, Sarah Scheffler wrote:
Hi there,

I'm having some issues configuring dnstap.  I'm using Knot version 2.5.1, installed 
via the `knot` package on Debian 3.16.43-2.  As per this documentation 
 I've added the following lines to my config file:
   - id: capture_all
     sink: "/etc/knot/capture"

   - id: default
     global-module: mod-dnstap/capture_all
But when starting knot (e.g. by `sudo knotc conf-begin`), I get the message:

error: config, file 'etc/knot/knot.conf', line 20, item 'mod-dnstap', value '' 
(invalid item)
error: failed to load configuration file '/etc/knot/knot.conf' (invalid item)

I also have the same setup on an Ubuntu 16.04.1 running Knot version 2.4.0-dev, 
and it works fine.

Any idea what might be causing the issue here?  Did the syntax for mod-dnstap 
change or something?  Should I have installed from source?  I do remember there 
being some special option you needed to compile a dependency with to use dnstap 
when I did this the first time, but I couldn't find documentation for it when I 
looked for it.


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