Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Am 08.01.2018 um 23:29 schrieb Daniel Kahn Gillmor:
> > On Mon 2018-01-08 12:50:02 +0100, Jan Včelák wrote:
> >> There is some confusion: Ubuntu 14.04 uses upstart, 15.04 is the first
> >> version with systemd. I agree with Klaus that it would be reasonable
> >> to build packages without systemd support for versions pre 15.04.
> > 
> > if the question is about where the logs go based on systemd, knot
> > compiled with systemd enabled will still work on machines that don't run
> > systemd.  its logs will simply go directly to syslog, instead of using
> > sd_journal_send (see src/knot/common/log.c).
> > 
> > in particular, if knot is built with libsystemd, but is running on a
> > system that is not running systemd, use_journal will be false.
> On Ubuntu 14.04 there is no systemd as init-replacement, but as
> something else, and gets installed as a dependency of Knot. Hence, I can
> not use Knot without systemd. Hence, on Ubuntu 14.04 Knot always uses
> journald for logging. And IMO this should not happen as users of 14.04
> are now forced to deal with systemd only because of this unneccessary
> build dependency.

I don't see a dependency on systemd in the packages available from the
cz.nic-labs PPA.

knot 2.6.3-1+ubuntu14.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 from the PPA has the following
in its control fields:

    Depends: […], libsystemd-daemon0 (>= 31), libsystemd-journal0 (>= 38), […]
    Recommends: systemd

I don't immediately see an indirect dependency on systemd.

> I tried to prevent journald logging by masking journald (systemctl mask
> systemd-journald.service). This solved my other syslog issues, but still
> no Knot log messages in syslog.

Have you tried just not installing systemd? 'Recommends' are not hard

> > If the local admin wants syslog to see the messages when journald is
> > listening on /dev/log, this is something for the local system
> > administrator to fix, and not something for knot to deal with.  please
> > don't divert time/energy into building, distributing, and maintaining a
> > without-systemd package.
> Please don't introduce unneeded, useless dependencies - or what exactly
> is the benefit of using systemd on Ubuntu 14.04?

The hard dependencies on libsystemd-{daemon0,journal0} that result when
the knot source is built with systemd support enabled are not unneeded
or useless, they're needed to integrate with systems running systemd. If
I understand correctly these shared library dependencies are by design
entirely inert on systems that are not running systemd.

Perhaps the 'Recommends' on systemd should be downgraded to a 'Suggests'
(which are not installed by default), or removed entirely. Which does
not require building knot without systemd support, of course.

Robert Edmonds

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