Hello all,

We had a weird issue with Knot serving an old version of a zone after a server 
reboot. After the reboot, our monitoring alerted that the zone was out of sync. 
Knot was then serving an older version of the zone (the zone did not update 
during the reboot, Knot was serving a version of the zone that was older than 
what it had before the reboot). The zone file on the disk had the correct 
serial, and knotc zone-status <zone> showed the current serial as well. 
However, dig @localhost soa <zone> on that box, showed the old serial. Running 
knotc zone-refresh <zone> didn't help, as in the logs when it went to do the 
refresh, it showed 'zone is up-to-date'. Running knotc zone-retransfer also did 
not resolve the problem, only a restart of the knotd process resolved this 
issue. While we were able to resolve this ourselves, it is certainly a strange 
issue and we were wondering if we could get any input on this.

Command output:
[root@ns02 ~]# knotc
knotc> zone-status <zone>
[<zone>] role: slave | serial: 2017121812 | transaction: none | freeze: no | 
refresh: +3h59m42s | update: not scheduled | expiration: +6D23h59m42s | journal 
flush: not scheduled | notify: not scheduled | DNSSEC re-sign: not scheduled | 
NSEC3 resalt: not scheduled | parent DS query: not scheduled
knotc> exit
[root@ns02 ~]# dig @localhost soa <zone>
… 2017090416 …

Logs after retransfer and refresh:

Jan 15 16:49:22 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] control, received command 
Jan 15 16:49:22 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
remote serial 2017121812, zone is up-to-date
Jan 15 16:49:23 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
remote serial 2017121812, zone is up-to-date
Jan 15 16:49:23 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
remote serial 2017121812, zone is up-to-date
Jan 15 16:49:23 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
remote serial 2017121812, zone is up-to-date
Jan 15 16:52:45 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] control, received command 
Jan 15 16:52:45 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] AXFR, incoming, <master>@53: 
Jan 15 16:52:45 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] AXFR, incoming, <master>@53: 
finished, 0.00 seconds, 1 messages, 5119 bytes
Jan 15 16:52:45 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
zone updated, serial none -> 2017121812
Jan 15 16:52:45 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
remote serial 2017121812, zone is up-to-date
Jan 15 16:52:45 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
remote serial 2017121812, zone is up-to-date
Jan 15 16:52:45 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] refresh, outgoing, <master>@53: 
remote serial 2017121812, zone is up-to-date
Jan 15 16:53:03 ns02 knot[7187]: info: [<zone>] control, received command 

And a dig after that:

[root@ns02 ~]# dig @localhost soa crnet.cr
… 2017090416 …



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