On 2018-08-02 16:10, mark.karpilovs...@nic.cz wrote:
On 2018-08-02 15:46, Aleš Rygl wrote:

I have tried to reload the zone and it failed:

Aug 02 15:38:02 idunn knotd[779]: warning: [xxxxx.] zone file changed
without SOA serial update
Aug 02 15:38:02 idunn knotd[779]: error: [xxxxx.] zone event 'load'
failed (semantic check)

So I have tried resign:

Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] control, received
command 'zone-sign'
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] DNSSEC, dropping
previous signatures, re-signing zone
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] DNSSEC, key, tag
45885, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, KSK, public, active
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] DNSSEC, key, tag
34733, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, public, active
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] DNSSEC, signing started Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] DNSSEC, successfully signed
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] DNSSEC, next signing
at 2018-08-09T15:38:45
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: warning: [xxxxxx] failed to update
zone file (not enough space provided)
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: error: [xxxxxx] zone event 'journal
flush' failed (not enough space provided)
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] notify, outgoing, serial 1533217125
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] IXFR, outgoing, started, serial 1533215220 -> 1533217125
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: info: [xxxxxx] AXFR, outgoing, started, serial 1533217125
Aug 02 15:38:45 idunn knotd[779]: *** Error in `/usr/sbin/knotd':
free(): invalid pointer: 0x000055cdc1a08980 ***
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]: ======= Backtrace: =========
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]:
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]:
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]:
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]: /usr/sbin/knotd(+0x439c3)[0x55cdc02d19c3] Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]: /usr/sbin/knotd(+0x44292)[0x55cdc02d2292] Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]: /usr/sbin/knotd(+0x47531)[0x55cdc02d5531]
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]:
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]:
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]:
Aug 02 15:38:46 idunn knotd[779]: ======= Memory map: ========

KNOT was restarted by systemd and now I can read zone data...


On 2.8.2018 15:24, Aleš Rygl wrote:
Hi all,

I would kindly ask for help. After a tiny zone record modification I am receiving following error(s) when trying to access zone data (zone-read):

Aug 02 15:09:34 idunn knotd[779]: warning: [xxxxxxxx.] failed to update zone file (not enough space provided) Aug 02 15:09:34 idunn knotd[779]: error: [xxxxxxx.] zone event 'journal flush' failed (not enough space provided)

There is a plenty of space on the server, I suppose it is related to journal and db.

Many thanks in advance, it is quite important zone.

KNOT 2.6.7-1+0~20180710153240.24+stretch~1.gbpfa6f52


Ales Rygl


this could be a bug that we fixed recently but the fix has not been
released yet, however I am not sure that it is the same case. Could
you please supply your configuration file for Knot and also specify
the version you are running and what zone record modification did you
attempt when the problem appeared (i.e. add record, remove record,
change record?), so that I can try to reproduce it?.

Mark Karpilovskij

Hi again,

I have reproduced the bug, it is indeed the same issue we were dealing with a little while ago (https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/knot/knot-dns/issues/595 ) and it will be fixed in the next release which should come out this week or early next week. Until then you may safely remove records from zones using nsupdate or manually editing the zone file, but avoid using zone-unset.

Best regards,
Mark Karpilovskij


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