
Yes, I'm positive, and I've tried kdig on all three subdomains, and they all look fine:

root@knot:/var/lib/knot/zones# kdig AXFR sub3.company.com @
;; AXFR for sub3.company.com.
....... regular zone records stuff, nothing strange
;; Received 1914 B (23 messages, 23 records)
;; Time 2021-08-03 11:07:54 CEST
;; From in 48.9 ms

I will check about the wireshark stuff later.


On 03/08/2021 11:01, libor.peltan wrote:
Hi MJ,

the "trailing data" is quite a specific error. It means that the incomming DNS packet does not comply with standards in the way that it contains some garbage data after its end.

Are you sure that you are not getting this error when trying with kdig?

Could you try to capture the communication with Wireshark (better on the Knot side) and check the actual wire format of the packets?


Dne 03. 08. 21 v 10:53 mj napsal(a):

On 03/08/2021 10:16, mj wrote:
I am also asking my colleages about more details and perhaps logs from the windows side of things.

New info from their side:

On the windows 2019 side, the failing zone transfers are logged as "Successful zone transfers"

So windows DNS is under the impression it all went fine...

For the record:
 knotc zone-retransfer
just gives the same refresh failed (trailing data), and refresh, remote prim_master not usable


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