--- Comment #9 from Pete Edwards <> ---
This is a really useful improvement - thanks. I have 2 comments:

There is a small typo in the patch. See line 54 in
  [% IF ( borrower_count == 1 ) %]Exporting [% borrower_count %] patroncard[%
ELSE %]Exporting [% borrower_count %] patroncards[% END %]a
The "a" at the end is incorrect.

The feature has been added to the Patron Card Creator tool which is where cards
are normally created but the functionality is very oriented towards batches and
in this case there is no batch. This may be a little quirky for the user. They
have to go to "Manage batches" in order to export a list. Can I suggest a few
  - Describe this feature in the home page of the module
  - Add a link on the left, e.g."Export list"
  - In the Patron Lists module, add an "Export cards" button in the table of
Patron Lists and then, in the list itself allow the user to select some
borrowers and "Export cards" for those selected.

The Export button on the patron list table could be done with the following
changes to patron_lists/
Add: [% INCLUDE '' %]
Modify the table sorting: { "aTargets": [ -1, -2, -3, -4 ], "bSortable": false,
"bSearchable": false },
Add export column:
    <a class="btn btn-mini" href="#" onclick='GB_showCenter(_("Export patron
cards from list"), "/cgi-bin/koha/patroncards/[%
l.patron_list_id %]", 700, 800);return false;'>
      <i class="icon-print"></i> Export cards
I know this is not the complete solution as the grey box does not have a Done

I will investigate how to become a contributor to Koha but wanted to make this
suggestion while I work on that.

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