
I'm throwing a line here, and I'd just like to get a feel for the value of offering some work to the community. Mind you, the work is "big" so honest responses could save us lot of wasted hours.

We've developed a parallel calendar table to specify each individual day if it's opened or not (instead of rules and exception). We added to it the opening hours, and keep a year of them in the past, and a year in the future.
The reasonning being:
- We need the opening hours. They need to vary season to seasons. We need them for hourly and minute loans. - Exception and holidays and etc... are complicated. To manage, to calculate, to fix. We need the past info as well, to calculate precisely. - Performance. Calculating with C4/Koha Calendars is sloooooooooow. Our little table cut fines.pl calculation times by 97%. Not a typo. Checkout improvement by 30-60% but metric is unreliable so take with grain of salt this one.

So before I go and write a wiki RFC, then open bugzillas, make the code community acceptable (we're not using Schemas), complete it, write tests, etc... Is there an interest? Would it answer a need (outside of our clients) ? Maybe a subset?

All comments, suggestions, questions are welcomed.

High regards,

Philippe Blouin,
Responsable du développement informatique

Tél.  : (888) 604-2627
philippe.blo...@inlibro.com <mailto:philippe.blo...@inlibro.com>

inLibro | pour esprit libre | www.inLibro.com <http://www.inLibro.com>

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