Hi all!

It's been noted that the reservoir fills up when searching Z39.50-targets since 
all the records gets copied to the reservoir. Is there a way to clear the 
reservoir of these types of records (who are not listed as batch imports)?

There is a bug filed at 
http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3069 who discusses how 
to improve the workflow and logic of the Z39.50-client in greater detail - does 
anyone have info not listed there?

Kinds regards
/Viktor Sarge
Library adviser
Regional development council of Halland, Sweden



Viktor Sarge
Utvecklare - Digitala biblioteksmiljöer

Box 517, 301 80 HALMSTAD | Besöksadress: Aschebergsgatan 1
Tel direkt: 035-17 98 73 | Mobil: 070-557 47 25
E-post: viktor.sa...@regionhalland.se
Webb: www.regionhalland.se<http://www.regionhalland.se/>

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