Op vrijdag 9 september 2011 03:44:10 schreef u:
> My problem did turn out to be a database problem.  I was able to track 
> this down.
> Question: Does some amount of template information get stored in the 
> database?  I'm trying to understand what might have gotten corrupted 
> within the database to result in these errors.

You should post to the list for the benefit of everyone else.

You don't say exactly what you tracked down about it being in the database.

Templates are not stored there, but language settings are. If some of those 
went a bit haywire, then it could cause this kind of thing. For example, 
specifying a language that isn't available (this shouldn't cause problems, it 
should fall back to en, but maybe it doesn't work perfectly.)

If you can tell us what it is you did to the database that made it work again, 
then maybe we can fix the problem at its source.

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
✆ +64 4 803 2204

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