
I see one problem for you:

Il 12/04/2012 13:34, Alex87 ha scritto:
> Now i have rebuild index:
> root@ubuntu:/# /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -b -r -v

do you use the 'root' user.
It is not a good idea.

You need to use a different user.

In http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Ubuntu
in section Pre-Koha Installation Setup says:

2 - Add the koha user
# sudo adduser koha

after this point you need to use the user 'koha' with sudo,
and no more the user 'root'.

I think that now you probably have problems of permissions.

If you have used 'root' everywhere, probably you can use the
installation but is difficult to help you without a ssh access
to your server.

You can:
a)Try to fix the problem (you need a good level of skills on Linux)
As help read the FAQ from here: http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/

b)Delete the installation, restart from scratch and use the user 'koha'
instead of root.
Read all the install files BEFORE to start.
If you work on Ubuntu read the files
There in the tar.gz file

c)Try a Koha VM from here:

d)Hire a support specialist fro here:

Zeno Tajoli
Dott. Zeno Tajoli
fax +39 02 2135520
CILEA - Consorzio Interuniversitario
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