After only doing usually very smooth upgrades for quite a while I had to do a 
fresh install of Koha. To be honest, it hasn't gotten any easier over time.

Anyway, after getting all the dependencies etc. installed, I got stuck at "sudo 
apache2ctl restart" which returns "apache2: bad user name ccclibrary-koha
Action 'restart' failed. (Or Action 'configtest' failed when running as root) 
The Apache error log may have more information"

The apache error log is sadly empty.

A Google search tells me a temporary fix  was to edit the file in 
It said to look for this:

and change it to this:
User www-data
Group www-data

But that seems useless, as that is what envvars says already. Anyway, I tried 
it but it had no effect.

Any ideas are welcome

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