I was wondering about Locale myself. Thanks for the answer!

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 10:59 PM, Francois Charbonnier

> Hi Nicole,
> The locale option is useful when you want to display days, month or season.
> If you have a german serial, you can use the german locale option to
> display days, etc. in german. It doesn't work actually but this patch fixes
> the problem :
> http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11262
> The inner counter doesnt tell system when the number should go back to 1.
> It is used when you need a "circular" pattern to tell koka how many issues
> you received or would have received after the beginning of the "circle". If
> you start receiving issues in the middle of a circular pattern, it helps
> the system to fall back on the correct numbering when the numbering go back
> to 1. (Sorry for my broken english....)
> Check the example in the attached file. It should helps! ;)
> Francois
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Elaine Bradtke
Data Wrangler
English Folk Dance and Song Society | http://www.efdss.org
Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY
Tel    +44 (0) 20 7485 2206 (This number is for the English Folk Dance and
Song Society in London, England. If you wish to phone me personally, send
an e-mail first. I work off site)
Registered Company No. 297142
Charity Registered in England and Wales No. 305999
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"
--Elvis Costello (Musician magazine No. 60 (October 1983), p. 52)
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