At 02:44 PM 12/18/2013 -0800, Phillip Ponchot wrote:
I'm installing a new Koha Server on Unbuntu o replace a dying server and I thought I could get some pointers here concerning the process. I have loaded Unbuntu 12.04 LTS Server and will be installing the Koha package on the server tomorrow. After I install the Koha package, I'm wanting to know how I can configure the Koha server to act like the one I'm replacing.
Does anyone have any documentation on moving a Koha install to another server?
Thanks for any help.

You don't say what version of Koha, nor what your "old" server was...

[Knowing I'm leaving myself open to severe criticism] I often "move" a fully working version of Koha 3.8.x from one Ubuntu 12.04 server to another by (a) insuring all dependences are installed, (b) copying /usr/share/koha, (c) dumping and restoring the MySQL db in /var/lib/mysql, (d) complete reindex (biblios and authorities) of Zebra. YMMV.

Best - Paul

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