I'm doing an audit of the permissions of our staff accounts in our system,
and have several questions about certain permissions.

I have already looked at the manual section on permissions and the granular
section, too, but it didn't give enough information (

Is there any other online documentation that explains each permission and
what it turns/off or what it may depend upon?

Here's the permissions I have questions about:

*circulate* *group*
1. circulate_remaining_permissions vs the other granular circulate
permissions -- what's the difference?
2. manage_courses/put_coursereserves/remove_coursereserves -- should these
even be in *circulate? *I filed a bug about these (

*catalogue vs staffaccess*
1. what's the difference between the *catalogue* permission and the
*staffaccess* permission?

*reserveforothers group*
1. edit_holds: how does one edit holds? What's this permission mean?
2. place_holds vs add_holds: what's the difference between these two
3. modify_holds_priority vs. reorder_holds -- what's the difference between
these two permissions?

*edit_catalogue/tools groups *
1. edit_catalogue/batch_edit_items vs tools/batch_edit_items -- what's the
difference between the two permissions?


Heather Braum
NExpress Coordinator
Resource Sharing Librarian
Northeast Kansas Library System

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those cannot read
and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." ~Alvin
Toffler, *Rethinking the Future*
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