Friday 15 August 2014, is the deadline for adding a proposal to the Koha
wiki for hosting KohaCon15 (international Koha conference to be held in
2015).  After 15 August 2014, we will be preparing to vote on any
proposals which have been added.

Anyone who would like to host KohaCon15 should add some brief information
about their proposal to the proposals summary table in the page at .

Please link your summary proposal to a more detailed proposal preferably
in a new page on the Koha wiki or alternately hosted on your own

There is currently only one proper proposal, which is for a venue in
Ibidan, Nigeria.  The information currently supplied for a venue to be
held somewhere in Zambia has nothing more than a country name and a
contact name which would not be enough to vote upon.  If you are involved
with the proposal in Zambia, please add sufficient information to be

If you have submitted a proposal for hosting KohaCon in the past but had
not been selected, please submit a new proposal if you are interested in
hosting KohaCon15.  Do not be discouraged that some other proposal had
been selected over yours in some previous year.  [In the interest of
promoting regional diversity in Koha, we have sometimes considered rules
against selecting KohaCon proposals from the same region successively in
case the most populous regions might come to excessively dominate voting
for selecting a proposal, but in practise such rules may not have yet been

Anyone should be free to add additional relevant information to proposal
information in the wiki, such as links and information for local hotel or
other accommodations, attractions, etc.  We want whatever information may
be helpful for linking to a community wide ballot for selecting a
particular proposal.

As with all wiki content, it should be easy enough to edit by examining
the form in which pre-existing content has been entered, when editing to
add your own content.  If you need more information about editing
MediaWiki tables, see .

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

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