I never were under the hood of that early version so just a few general 

> (syed.aamirab...@hotmail.com) wrote:
>> Hello Sir / Madam.! 
>> I am using Koha 3.4.1 (Fedora based) , I am facing a big problem that when I 
>> search any biblio record, a message appeared 
>> "Can't call method "data" on an undefined value at 
>> /opt/koha/lib/C4/Search.pm line 1488"I have also rebuild zebra index but no 
>> result shown.

With 3.4.1 being decidedly old I guess this is not the average bug in a new 
version :) With an old version like that my first suspicion is not the code if 
you've had the install running the same code for years. Rather I'd ask "what 
else has changed?". Has the install been corrupted somehow, what happens if you 
load a backup of the database etc? Could a fresh test install of 3.4.1 
importing a few select database backups give any hints? 

>> Except Biblio  holdings, everything is existing

You've never had any holdings? Otherwise I'd say them vanishing would be a 
clear sign that something's off..

Kind regards/Viktor
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