>  Second, I would make the "All Libraries" settings stand out from the 
> individual libraries.  For example, if "All Libraries" is selected in the 
> notices, perhaps the font or the dropdown box changes color to red or yellow 
> on the main and editing pages.  It should be more obvious than a couple of 
> words on the page.

This appeals to me! The current behavior would not be that much of a problem if 
the interface had some kind of visual cue to warn the user that he/she is about 
to edit the rules for *all* libraries. To me that would even be enough since it 
solves the problem of accidental editing and doesn’t increase complexity. It’s 
still possible to make a case for consortia use where you further want to 
decrease the risk of accidental editing of course. 

Kind regards/Viktor Sarge
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