I highly agree with the spirit of the CoC, but with this discussion I realize 
that taking the following part literally would forbid me to give people credit 
when listening to them during a KohaCon: 

"Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
        • Posting (or threatening to post) other people’s personally 
identifying information.

Names are the mother of personally identifying information and since a good 
reputation is sort of the currency in a FOSS-community not being able to 
publicly give people credit seems counter productive :) I guess the paragraph 
is ment to cover giving credit, but as I read it that may be the effect(?)

Kind regards/Viktor  

Viktor Sarge
Regionbibliotek Halland
Kultur i Halland

TFN: 035-17 98 73
E-POST: viktor.sa...@regionhalland.se
BESÖKSADRESS: Södra vägen 9, 30180 Halmstad
WEBB: www.regionhalland.se/regionbibliotek

26 sep 2014 kl. 21:49 skrev glaws <glaw...@rhcl.org>:

> I have some concerns about the Koha Community Code of Conduct posted here:
> http://koha-community.org/about/policy/code-of-conduct/
> <http://koha-community.org/about/policy/code-of-conduct/>
> My specific concern is the second bullet point:
> Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
>  * ---snip---
>  * Verbal, graphic or written comments related to gender, gender
>    identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
>    size, race or religion
> which seems overly broad.
> Examples
> If, during a conference breaking for lunch, I say to a group of
> attendees "I'm Buddhist, is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?", I
> would seem to have violated this point (verbal...comment...religion).
> Or if I'm a presenter, and I make a comment for illustrative purposes,
> like "Just as people come in all sizes, libraries also vary in size and
> Koha is great for all of them", have I violated the code?
> Or if I'm with a group of attendees planning on going out somewhere, and
> I say "I have <insert any health problem>, and I can't walk with you
> that far", is that a violation?
> I would like to suggest that the wording for this particular point
> include something to the effect that the references must be obviously
> negative in nature or perhaps intended to give offense to to an average
> person _based_on_some_reasonable_standard_.
> -- 
> Greg Lawson
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