> 1.  To maintain a road map for Koha - that is not time based.
> 2.  The road map is to address both features and architecture.
> 3.  The monthly general meeting following each major release will consider 
> updates to the road map.
> 4.  However maintenance of the road map can be a continuous process.

If I don’t make it to the IRC meeting here are my thoughts: A roadmap sounds 
like something that could spark useful discussion on where we want to go. I 
have no problem with the current way of doing things, but I do occasionally get 
the feeling that I don’t see the big picture of what’s planned and down what 
path that development is taking Koha. Sometimes decisions get taken just by 
small stuff like adding a nifty little feature that makes our users expect even 
more features in the that area. I do see scenarios where a roadmap/central 
planning of development could become a problem, but from the description it 
sounds like a good idea. 

> Therefore we propose two new roles in the community release team. These are 
> roles that could be effectively filled by librarians (one for each role, or a 
> team), allowing developers to keep developing.
> _Wiki Curator_
> - a lot of work needs to be done to clean up the wiki;
> - could also participate (with some developers) in updating the wiki 
> technology;
> - the role is not seen as a controller of wiki content or as being required 
> to approve content, rather it is a curation task:  moving stuff around, 
> keeping it tidy, collaborating with the wiki contributors (So, looking at 
> stuff and asking:  Is this correct? Does it need to be updated?  Should it be 
> moved?  Renamed? etc)
> _Communication Manager_
> - promote the project and its achievements;
> - gather press releases and stories;
> - liaise closely with the newsletter editors (Chad and JD);
> - update the koha-community.org website;
> - send items to Marshall Breeding or other distribution sites;
> - write articles or twist the arms of others who might write articles.

Both these two areas could use a boost so I approve. 

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