> * viktor.sa...@regionhalland.se (viktor.sa...@regionhalland.se) wrote:
>> It would be quite possible to create a parser for extracting the content of 
>> a list and republishing title, author etc. in a nicely formated way on your 
>> wordpress site. But I’m more in favour of a more standardized way of 
>> extracting the data from Koha such as creating an RSS feed for both what 
>> public lists there are and the contents of each list. 
>> If anyone does want to fool around with parsing a Koha list with javascript 
>> I think the parser we created for parsing Koha in our federated search might 
>> be worth a look: 
>> https://github.com/regionbibliotekhalland/SamsokJS/blob/master/js/samsok/parsers.js
>> Unfortunately I don’t know of any quick and easy way to push the contents to 
>> Wordpress. But creating RSS feeds in Koha is not a very big developer job. 
>> It shouldn’t be all that expensive and if there is some plugin in worpress 
>> to display the contents of an RSS feed on your site then you should be set. 
> You could make a public report, in the reports section, then you would
> get a nice JSON output that you could import into Wordpress.

+1 for that. 

It would be possible to handwrite the necessary code in javascript, but my 
guess is that there are at least a few Wordpress plugins for displaying JSON 
content that is worth having a look at first. 

(Cited from the Koha manual if this is the first encounter with JSON reports: A 
public report is accessible via a URL that looks like this: 

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