Hi Ahmad,

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Ahmad Amanullah Khan
<ahmadamanullahk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I want to add a dropdown with some values or hyper link to digital
> resources.

An example : Adding a drop-down with the text "Useful links" just
after "Tag cloud". The new drop-down to have two options, link one
points to Gmail and the second one to Google. (the code is based
straight off the "Lists" drop-down placed on the OPAC's nav header.)

$("#moresearches ul").append('<li class="dropdown"><a href="#"
class="dropdown-toggle" id="listsmenu" data-toggle="dropdown"
role="button"><span class="listslabel">Useful links</span> <b
class="caret"></b></a><ul aria-labelledby="listsmenu" role="menu"
class="dropdown-menu"><li role="presentation"><a
href="http://gmail.com"; tabindex="-1"
role="menuitem">GMail</a></li><li role="presentation"><a
href="http://google.com"; tabindex="-1" role="menuitem"

> Please guide.

hope this helps.

Indranil Das Gupta

Phone : +91-98300-20971
Blog    : http://indradg.randomink.org/blog
IRC      : indradg on irc://irc.freenode.net
Twitter : indradg

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