Thank you Heather & Mark,

I am on the right track now..., but I am going to need to better edit my
text strings now in 952 (which means some going back and reworking etc).

I assume I can add the subfields in the order listed
numerically/alphabetically instead of the order you have them listed?

I am glad I asked this question now. Whew!

Again, thanks a lot.
Very helpful indeed.


On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Hernandez, Heather <> wrote:

> Hi, Jesse--
> I catalog on OCLC's Connexion Client, and use the "Text String" tool to
> set up my most commonly used fields in the 952--it's really handy, and
> generates my most commonly used 952 with a keystroke.  I've found that it's
> faster to create the item records on OCLC with 952 fields & import it into
> Koha, even when I'm cataloging a title with many items.
> This is a typical 952 for us (we don't have separate branches, and use LC
> call numbers):
> ǂ2 lcc ǂa SFMARITIME ǂb SFMARITIME ǂc STACKS ǂy BOOK ǂo VM600 O8 1999 ǂh
> v.1 ǂp 188336
> Hope this is helpful!  Cheerio,
> heather
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Heather Hernandez
> Technical Services Librarian
> San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center
> 415-561-7032,
> "The sailor does not pray for wind, he learns to sail."--Gustaf Lindborg

Jesse A Lambertson
Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center
1100 16th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Ph: (202)-677-3967 Ext. 104
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