Hi Andreas,

When we began to work on holds, we had the same expectations as you but we gave 

We had no transfer between library for check-out so far, but with the holds' 
implementation we are forced to make it possible.

We try to propose new developments but we finally changed our organization :
(I don't think they are compatible with the master version).

We use jquery to hide some branches and ask patrons to choose a pickup location 
when placing holds but it don't really solve problems.

I can give you more details if you want.

Best Regards,

Message: 7
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2015 21:23:57 +0200 (CEST)
From: Bohdan Šmilauer <b.smila...@post.cz>
To: Andreas Hedström Mace <andreas.hedstrom.m...@sub.su.se>
Cc: 'Koha@lists.katipo.co.nz' <Koha@lists.katipo.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [Koha] Questions regarding Holds
Message-ID: <see.g5kq.2jeudattlye.1m4...@seznam.cz>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8

Dear Mr. Mace,

I am engaged in the Koha implementation ver. 3.20 see http://koha2.
knihovnavsenory.cz . I have to say that holding functionality doesn't work 
correctly until now. We have only one branch: main library for simplicity . 
Our case should be, to enable to put hold, only if no item is free on shelf.

 By other words, if some issue (item)  of the book title is available 
(free), the patron has to go to the checkout desk and to ask this free item.
No remote order is allowed  in this case .  The hold (order) is allowed only
if all items are checked out and patron must wait until some item is 

There are two preferences influencing the Koha holds function: On shelf 
holds allowed = NO, Item level holds= Don't allow. It is adjustable in  
Administration › Circulation and fine rules for patron category. Now it 
works incorrectly in such manner that holds are enabled if one or more item 
is checked out, but on the shelf remains some free item. It should not to be
enabled, until all items are checked out (no free item).

This problem was investigated in bug 6837, see http://bugs.koha-community.
org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6873, the problem

was resolved  by Barry Cannon, see Attachment http://bugs.koha-community.

but this attachment is without approval (failed QA).

My message is, that this problem is not satisfactory solved until now. 


Bohdan Smilauer

Library Vsenory 

(near Prague)

252 31




---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Andreas Hedström Mace <andreas.hedstrom.m...@sub.su.se>
Komu: 'Koha@lists.katipo.co.nz' <Koha@lists.katipo.co.nz>
Datum: 2. 10. 2015 15:12:13
Předmět: [Koha] Questions regarding Holds


We are currently investigating how holds behave in Koha, and see if we can 
set it up according to our needs. We have so far not managed to do so, but 
the preferences concerning holds are quite complex so there might be ways we
haven't tried yet - any feedback is welcome!

Our current set-up:

· We have nine branches (libraries), where all patrons are able to place 
holds on any of the branches. (They are not affiliated with any one branch 
per se, but with Stockholm University Library as a whole.)

· Books can be returned at any library and be sent back to the books home 
library, but we don't send out books between the libraries.

· Item level holds are not available (except for staff)

We would like holds to work as follows:

· Holds should be limited to all items of a specific branch, not all items 
(of several branches) connected to the bibliographic record. Holds can only 
be placed when all items are checked out on a branch.

· The pick-up location should always be the same as the books home library.

· A hold placed in one branch should not affect books on other branches.

An example:
The book "Narrative analysis" has 5 items, on three branches:

· Library A, 2 items (2 checked out)

· Library B, 2 items (1 checked out)

· Library C, 1 item (not checked out)

Patron A places a hold at Library A. The 2 items connected to that library 
cannot be renewed and the first one returned will fill the placed hold. 
Items at Library B and C are unaffected and can be checked out normally. If 
the checked out item on Library B is returned before any books from Library 
A, it will not fill the placed hold at Library A but instead go back up on 
the shelf at Library B.

Does anyone know if this set-up is possible with Koha today? Is anyone doing
this, or anything similar? Or is some development needed?

Best regards,

Andreas Hedström Mace
Stockholm University Library
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0) 8-16 49 17

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