
did you activate ICU indexing when installing Koha?

One symptom of it not being installed is that a search would return all
items in Korean - instead of only the ones matching your search term.

There are some pages in the Koha wiki explaining about how to activate
ICU for different languages:

Hope this helps,


Am 07.10.2015 um 09:56 schrieb 박병용:
>  Dear all,
> I firstly installed the Koha a few days ago. I cataloged some 
> Korean books and searched it on OPAC in Korean language. But the result was 
> incorrect. The keyword is correctly highlighted but the number of list item 
> is incorrect. For example, the correct number of result record is 1 but the 
> actual result of now is 4. If experienced similar problems, tell me some 
> guide for me, please!
> Kind regards,
> P.S.) My server info.
> - Koha ver.:
> - OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1
> - Perl ver.: 5.018002 
> - MySQL ver.: 5.6.19
> - Apache ver.: 2.4.7
> - Zebra ver.: 2.0.44

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