* Paul A (pau...@navalmarinearchive.com) wrote:
> For wiki.koha-community.org, Opera has started giving a SSL Error:
> Your connection is not private
> You attempted to reach wiki.koha-community.org, but the server presented an
> invalid certificate.
> You cannot proceed because the website operator has requested heightened
> security for this domain.
> Firefox (verified by "Let's encrypt") does not stumble. Is this purely an
> Opera foible? There seems to be a fair amount of "web chatter" about "Let's
> encrypt" being temperamental on Ubuntu.
It's Opera, it probably is either an old version, or Opera hasn't updated its 
of CAs yet

Chris Cormack
Catalyst IT Ltd.
+64 4 803 2238
PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington 6142, New Zealand

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