When I migrated to a significantly newer version, rather than do a sql
dump, I had much better luck doing a MARC export from the older version.
I then opened the mrc file in Marc Edit, and took a good look at the MARC
format and made sure that all of the fields matched and corresponded from
the older version to the newer version (ie: make sure there were no MARC
field changes between versions).

I was then able to import the collections correctly.

This method should at least get the collection over to the new system.
Migrating users and other data would be the next challenge.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Administrateur <ad...@ibnogent.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to do the migration from koha 3.12 (I'm not the one who
> installed it) to koha 3.20 or 3.22. The one on debian 3.22 is a freshly
> installed debian 8. I made my test using a cloned virtual machine so the
> new system only has mysql-server and apache2. Nothing else is installed
> or configured.
> I think I've encountered a problem with Zebra. Both of my installations
> uses the debian package koha-common. I transfered the database and the
> files from 3.12 to 3.22 with koha-dump and then koha-restore.
> (doc-ite is the name of my koha instance)
> Here is what happen after a restore :
> ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 1: Operation DROP USER failed for
> 'koha_doc-ite'@'%'
> ERROR 1046 (3D000) at line 2: No database selected
> connect('dbname=koha_doc-ite;host=localhost;port=3306','koha_doc-ite',...)
> failed: Access denied for user 'koha_doc-ite'@'%' to database
> 'koha_doc-ite' at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Connector.pm line 32.
> Can't call method "do" on unblessed reference at
> /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 793.
> Something went wrong rebuilding biblio indexes for doc-ite
> connect('dbname=koha_doc-ite;host=localhost;port=3306','koha_doc-ite',...)
> failed: Access denied for user 'koha_doc-ite'@'%' to database
> 'koha_doc-ite' at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Connector.pm line 32.
> Can't call method "do" on unblessed reference at
> /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 793.
> Something went wrong rebuilding authority indexes for doc-ite
> Restarting apache2 (via systemctl): apache2.service.
> But even with thoses errors the DB was populated and I was able to do a
> koha-upgrade-schema without errors. The user koha_doc-ite can connect to
> the mysql database with the password in koha-conf.xml (I had to manually
> reset the password).
> I can connect to the front-end and the back-end and all the data seems
> to be there (If I look in overdue, I can see my books). But I can't
> search any books in the library. No hits.
> My zebrasrv is started (with koha-start-zebra) and running. The weird
> part is that if I don't do use 'koha-rebuild-zebra' after a fresh
> restore I have some results with zebra but not all of them. The number
> of hits is correct but there is like 3 results instead of ten in the
> result page.
> Then if I do a complete rebuild here is the message I get :
> # koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f doc-ite
> Zebra configuration information
> ================================
> Zebra biblio directory      = /var/lib/koha/doc-ite/biblios
> Zebra authorities directory = /var/lib/koha/doc-ite/authorities
> Koha directory              = /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin
> Lockfile                    = /var/lock/koha/doc-ite/rebuild/rebuild..LCK
> BIBLIONUMBER in :     001$@
> ================================
> skipping authorities
> ====================
> exporting biblio
> ====================
> 78101....................................................................................................
> Records exported: 78124
> ====================
> ====================
> 10:58:08-19/04 zebraidx(24995) [warn] Record didn't contain match fields
> in (bib1,Local-number)
> ====================
> ====================
> Zebra configuration information
> ================================
> Zebra biblio directory      = /var/lib/koha/doc-ite/biblios
> Zebra authorities directory = /var/lib/koha/doc-ite/authorities
> Koha directory              = /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin
> Lockfile                    = /var/lock/koha/doc-ite/rebuild/rebuild..LCK
> BIBLIONUMBER in :     001$@
> ================================
> ====================
> exporting authority
> ====================
> 1........
> Records exported: 9
> ====================
> ====================
> skipping biblios
> ====================
> ====================
> And then no more results. 0 hit.
> /var/log/koha/zebra.log
> /var/log/koha/zebra-error.log
> Are all empty and
> /var/log/koha/zebra-output.log
> simply contain "zebrasrv(1) [warn] ir_session (exception)"
> If I connect using yaz-client
> $ yaz-client -c /etc/koha/zebradb/ccl.properties
> unix:/var/run/koha/doc-ite/bibliosocket
> Connecting...OK.
> Sent initrequest.
> Connection accepted by v3 target.
> ID     : 81
> Name   : Zebra Information Server/GFS/YAZ
> Version: 4.2.30 98864b44c654645bc16b2c54f822dc2e45a93031
> Options: search present delSet triggerResourceCtrl scan sort
> extendedServices namedResultSets
> Elapsed: 0.001318
> Z> base biblios
> Z> f Bible
> Sent searchRequest.
> Received SearchResponse.
> Search was a success.
> Number of hits: 0, setno 1
> SearchResult-1: term=Bible cnt=0
> records returned: 0
> The result I'm getting on koha 3.12 is :
> Z> f Bible
> Sent searchRequest.
> Received SearchResponse.
> Search was a success.
> Number of hits: 5876, setno 1
> SearchResult-1: term=Bible cnt=5876
> records returned: 0
> Elapsed: 0.002232
> There is also difference in some files (But I think it's because Zebra
> can't generate an index)
> /var/lib/koha/doc-ite/biblios/register/ on debian 6 is ~550Mb whereas
> the one on debian 8 is 20Kb (basically empty)
> Because it didn't work, I tried to manually dump the SQL from 3.12 and
> load it on a freshly installed koha 3.22 after creating a dummy instance
> with koha-create, same problem.
> I did the same with koha oldstable (3.20), but no success.
> I even tried to install the 3.12 from the tarball on debian 8 but I've
> encountered many issues with perl and non-existing lib. I couldn't make
> it work.
> I looked for a 3.12 debian repository but it don't seem to exist.
> Usually I always find solutions but this time I really need help because
> I have no more idea on how to do it. I'm new to the koha world (started
> to look into it 2 weeks ago) and I feel like I'm missing something simple.
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards.
> Joël M.
> Administrateur Réseaux/Système Institut Biblique de Nogent-sur-Marne.
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