* rfblanchard (rfblanch...@hotmail.com) wrote:
> I'm building a new koha server to replace our old koha 3.0.0 with koha
> 16.5.4. The new server has better specs than the old one. Towards the end of
> my work I started doing some basic testing of the screens compared to the
> old system. I noticed the new system is slower (much slower) than our old
> 3.0 koha. Basically any screen is 5x to 10x slower on the new version of
> koha. That includes anything from searching to loading the landing page of
> the opac. I checked on some of the koha demo sites and also noticed they are
> quite slow. Has koha just become bloated over time or have I misconfigured
> something?
> I didn't build the original server, but I compared apache and mysql settings
> and didn't notice anything that the new install was missing. I tried using
> memcached but that did nothing useful as far as I noticed.
> Does anyone have any insite into speeding up koha performance? caching? etc?
Koha now uses a database independent layer an ORM (Object relationship model).
This allows (in theory) Koha to be run on different database engines, it also 
for more Object Oriented code, which a lot of people like.

It does have the downside of being quite a bit slower than straight SQL though, 
accounts for most of the slow down you are noticing.

Did you install Koha via packages? If so, you will want to switch plack on

sudo koha-plack --enable <instancename>
sudo koha-plack --start <instancename>

Then restart apache. You will want to set up memcache as well. To enable caching
to occur. This should speed things up considerably.

Chris Cormack
Catalyst IT Ltd.
+64 4 803 2238
PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington 6142, New Zealand

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