
We ara facing an issue on a koha 16.11.06 that it doesn't sort propertly
records in list, it seems it sort fine in search results


We have customized the sort file, but I think it is fine configured

There is no spaces in title....  any idea?


Zebra configuration information


Zebra biblio directory      = /var/lib/koha/euit/biblios

# Koha's Zebra character map file for spanish


encoding utf-8

# Character sort order definition

lowercase {0-9}{a-y}zæøå

uppercase {0-9}{A-Y}ZÆØÅ

# Breaking characters

space {\001-\040}!"#$%&'\()*+,-./:;<=>?@\[\\]^_`\{|}~

# Characters to be considered equivalent for searching purposes.

equivalent uü

# Supplemental mappings

map (&auml;)        a

map (&aelig;)       æ

map (&oslash;)      ø

map (&aring;)       a

map (&ouml;)        o

map (&Auml;)        A

map (&Aelig;)       Æ

map (&Oslash;)      Ø

map (&Aring;)       A

map (&Ouml;)        O

map âàáäÂÀÂÄÁ       a

map bB              b

map êèéëÊÈÉË        e

map îïíÎÏÍ          i

map ôöóÔÖÓ          o

map ûùüÛÜÙÚ         u

map çÇ              c

map dD              d

map fF              f

map gG              g

map hH              h

map jJ              j

map kK              k

map lL              l

map mM              m

map pP              p

map nñÑN            n

map qQ              q

map rR              r

map sS              s

map tT              t

map vV              v

map xX              x

map yY              y

map zZ              z

map (^El\s)         @

map (^En\s)         @

map (^La\s)         @

map (^Los\s)        @

map (^Las\s)        @

map (^Un\s)         @

map (^Unos\s)       @

map (^Una\s)        @

map (^Unas\s)       @

map (^¿\s)          @

map (^!\s)          @

map (^.\s)          @

map (^"\s)          @


*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *

*www.orex.es <http://www.orex.es>*

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   [image: www.orex.es/vufind] <http://www.orex.es/vufind>


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