I have successfully used ubuntu server 16.04 and mariadb and installed Koha 
following the wiki:Koha on ubuntu - packages - Koha Wiki

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Koha on ubuntu - packages - Koha Wiki





Joseph Lamb

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, 8:11:20 AM PDT, C.J.S. Hayward 
<c...@cjshayward.com> wrote:

I posted https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18852 and
Katrin encouraged me to post to the list where it might get more attention.

My bug description, very lightly reformatted, is:

As of 17.05.01, I was told there were reports of successful
installations. However, I have not been able to reproduce such.

I had earlier made a couple of attempts to add Koha to a multipurpose
appliance, and that remains my end goal. However, when I tried to back
up, I saw the same issue verbatim.

What I have done today was:

Download a fresh Linux Mint 18.1 ISO.

Build a VirtualBox VM with the ISO, with mostly default features and
with third-party addons, and also enabling auto-login, but in general
intended to be a plain vanilla install.

Rebooted; installed Chrome and touched /etc/sudoers, ran "aptitude
update"; ran "aptitude upgrade", installed MariaDB, and rebooted

Followed the steps, including a couple of a2enmod enablings, and
created a virtual site.

I was able to edit passwords in /etc/koha/.../koha-conf.xml, and enter
the web setup wizard.

However, I experienced identical output from the installer: at a
certain point, it says:

Software error:

DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::catch {...} (): DBI Connection failed:
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' at
/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 1492. at
/usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Database.pm line 100

For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([no address given]),
giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

I am having difficulties with MariaDB and my difficulties may be
contributing to the problem.

My understanding, as inherited from MySQL, is that "mysql -uroot -p",
for any account that will run it, will check a password and, if you
have root's password set, will let you into the MySQL root command
line if and only if you type the password exactly.

The behavior I have observed is that as root "mysql -uroot" does not
prompt for a password, but just logs you in, and "mysql -uroot -p"
prompts for a password, but will accept any password, the empty
password included. However, from an unprivileged account, "mysql
-uroot -p" prompts for a password, but none of the passwords I've
tried have worked; I've tried and used values as set in my customized
koha-conf.xml, and every single password is rejected.

I believe that this command line behavior is a symptom of the same
problem quoted above: permission is being denied for user
'root'@'localhost' where the action in question would be permitted for
any account with UID 0 and no account with any other UID.

Again, this is after the 17.05.01 release, where it was reported to me
that some people have had success. The system setup shows a couple of
my personal idiosyncracies, but is meant to be awfully close to a
procedure of "Step 1: Create a new Linux Mint VM. Step 2: Install
Koha." The behavior is the same between the fresh new VM running
17.05.01, and an "everything but the kitchen sink" multitool of an

What can I do to let Koha talk to MariaDB as 'root'@'localhost'?


[image: Christos Jonathan Seth Hayward] <https://cjshayward.com/> *Christos
Jonathan Seth Hayward <https://cjshayward.com/>*, an Orthodox Christian
author (*main site <https://cjshayward.com/>* • *bookshelf

If you'd like to just barely sample my writing, I invite you to read The
Angelic Letters <https://CJSHayward.com/letters/> and Doxology

I am seeking to reach Mount Athos to enter monastic repentance for the rest
of my life: see
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