Log on to your koha server via SSH.



If this isn't correct, you'll have to change the date on the Linux server.

I'm assuming that you've got a package install of koha. You'll need to know
the instance name of your koha installation... replace INSTANCE with the
actual instance name below.

sudo koha-myqsql INSTANCE

at the SQL prompt, type


if these two do not agree, my guess is that you're running your database on
a separate server. Exit mysql and type

sudo grep '^..host' /etc/koha/sites/INSTANCE/koha-conf.xml

if that shows a different server, SSH into that machine and type 'date'.
Change the date there if needed.

Hope that helps.


On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 5:41 AM, Mubassir Ahsan <mahsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Recently I have got that checkin time is behind the system time. My current
> System is 04 July 3:39PM but when check in items it is showing 2.19AM only,
> even in notices time is printing like this. I have check the hardware and
> system time, it is ok.
> Check out time is ok.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> *Best wishes.*
> *--------------------*
> *Md. Mubassir AhsanAssistant Librarian(Library In-Charge)Southeast
> University*
> *-----------------------------*
> *Mobile+Viber+IMO: 01916303060*
> *Facebook:* mmahsan <http://facebook.com/mmahsan>
> *Skype+Twitter*: mahsandu
> Website: Mubassir.info
> *"Proud to be a LIS Professional*"
> *Tag: Web Developer, CMS (Drupal, Joomla), ILS (Koha), IR (DSpace,
> Greenstone), N/W Admin, DBA.*
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