Hi Elaine,
Background colour can be changed using the intranetusercss sys pref - something like this:
/* give test instance a background colour */


Do you have anything in intranetuserjs sys pref? Broken javascript can cause weird effects.

If you are using Plack, try restarting it.

And clear the browser cache just to be double-sure.

I hope this helps,
Bob Birchall

On 06/07/17 14:33, Elaine Bradtke wrote:
The problem is only on the staff interface of the test site. This only
happened after we upgraded to 17.5  Every other website, including the
production site and the OPAC in both production and test appears normal. It
is not the browser, or the OS of the computer. It must be some internal
setting in the staff interface.

Question (because this may be related) if you were to change the background
color of the staff interface, where would you do that?  I ask because we
set the staff interface in the test site to have a different colour to make
sure we knew which site we were using.  I think it may be something in
there, wherever that is.

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 5:00 PM, Tim McMahon <tmcma...@wlpl.org> wrote:

Does this happen on all computers or browsers?  Could it be the browsers
zoom level?  Try ctrl-0 (for default zoom) or ctrl-+ (to zoom in) and see
if that helps.

On 07/05/2017 01:11 PM, Elaine Bradtke wrote:

We just installed 17.5 in our test system, and the staff interface display
changed. The text size had been slightly larger than normal  and now it's
very, very, very small.  The text size in the test instance has always
different to our production site but larger wasn't a problem.  Now it is
painful to read, even on a large screen. This makes looking at the system
preferences difficult.
Any ideas where I might find the preference to fix this?
I tried searching, text, size, and display in the system prefs but no
We aren't using any special stylesheets, it's  a fairly default
The test OPAC is untouched, and looks fine.

Tim McMahon
Technical Services
West Liberty Public Library
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