We are recently using Koha 3.14.02. version and we updated this version to the 
16.11.07 version and we begun testing this newer version. But we ran into a 
problem with selfcheck device in the tests we did.

Our library users can borrow and place holds on materials until the overdue 
fine is 10 TL. They can not borrow when the overdue fine is over 10 TL. When we 
operate on the staff client there is no problem in the new version and the 
system is running properly.

However when we operate with the SelfCheck (3M) device, we get "outstanding 
fines block issue" error when library users' overdue fine is below 10 TL. Why 
do we get this error on selfcheck when there is no problem on staff client? 
Could there be a situation related to SIP2 server settings?

Also, SelfCheck (3M) device is occasionally disconnected from the connection 
with the SIP2 server. In the old version we used (3.14.2), there are no such 
problems. When we update the new version (16.11.07) we are experiencing this 
problem. (Note: we got SIP2 server settings exactly the same as the old server).

Ugur Bulgan
Library Dİrector
Suleyman Demirel University Library


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