Hi, I'm new here. My background is software development, not Library
Science, so there's been a whole lotta learning going on.

I've recently installed Koha on Ubuntu 17 and it seems to be
running okay. This is for a small organization with about 4,000 volumes to
organize and track.

So far, I've only got a couple of test books records in the library. I have
a spreadsheet with the organizations books that I need to convert into MARC
format (preferably XML) and then load.

As a means of testing things, what I've been trying to do is go to one of
the sample sites, export their data, and then import it into my Koha
instance. I've been working on the assumption that I can go to one of the
sample sites, Export their data, then just import it to mine -- no changes

Hasn't worked yet -- so am I naive to think it would be that simple? Are
there header records of some sort that need to be adjusted when readying an
export for import elsewhere?

Basically, I don't care about the content, I just want a verified file that
I was able to Import correctly, to serve as a baseline for the actual
collection when I load it, so that if errors occur, it should be easier to
figure out exactly what went wrong.

So -- should it be possible to just Export from one library and directly
Import it to another library or are the changes I need to make to the file
to make it loadable by the target library?

Or maybe there are quirks to the samples I've tried to use? Can anyone
recommend a good source for a sample file I can use to test Import? XML
preferred, but I can work with the other format if need be.

Thanks for any help!
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