Good morning

We have a catalogue with books in Arabic, Hebrew and spanish.. the romanic
books are sorted propertly, but arabic and hebrew are completly unsorted.

Is it possible to tell koha to sort all three languages? perhaps there is
not possible to sort romanic and arabic and hebrew.. but at least give some
kind of sorting to arabic results for example.

We have configured ICU and we have some doubts, I wish ask if anybody could
help us on this, the main problem for us is that we do not know arabic and
hebrew :S and we do not know how to add several words-icu.xml files or how
to add several languages in the same words-icu.xml

If it helps we can get support from my customer to define mappings and be
able to have more words-icu-xml for the koha community


*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *

* <>*

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