
 I'm new to the list and grateful to be here.

 I'm interested in drawing software so patrons and new staff,
 volunteers and student interns can find materials on shelves easily
 and quickly.

 Ex. one set of shelves to the far left of the circulation desk would
 be labeled Fiction. Then the next set of shelves named Mystery in the
 shelves bay to the right of the Fiction shelves bay and then to the
 right of that the shelves Bay for Supernatural.

 This would be a floor plan so a patron could walk around the library
 and look at this floor plan map and know where Fiction is - where
 Mystery is, Biography, etc. for every collection throughout the

 If I sat with an illustrator they could probably draw it all up in
 about 20-30 minutes and I would just scan what they drew and have a
 map (crude compared to a 3D) but enough so a patron could find items.

 But, is there any *free* easy to learn / easy to use software which
could accomplish that?

 Thank you!

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