Hi Marcin,

i don't have answers to all your questions, IndependentBranches is far
from perfect (see bug 12599).

But separating the funds is possible. Make sure that:

- You assign a library to the fund
- Restrict access to owners, users and library

Also: check your setting for the AcqViewBaskets system preference.

The login issue with the OPAC might be related to something else: check
your user doesn't have the self_check permissions - they are only to be
set for the self check user.

Hope this helps,


On 05.03.19 19:47, m_kowlaski wrote:
after install koha (18.11) instance I set on IndependentBranches and
IndependentBranchesPatronModificationsi in preferences.
Then I added two users assigned to different libraries and some books.
Users have all the permissions except: budget_manage_all, order_manage_all,
superserials, view_borrower_infos_from_any_libraries.

I have a few questions:
- why the user with rights (no superlibrarian) can not log in to opac?
- why a user assigned to another library can create a new item to another
(the possibility of choosing a library  952$a, 952$b)?
- why is access to all budgets (not funds), not just for a given library?

Are there any more additional settings about Independent to completely
separate library? Or how do this?
Can anyone help? Thanks


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