I am running version, Jessie, with no warnings displayed. I have
made no recent changes to the system other than regular cataloging.

For the past two days I have been unable to search our records.

Zebra index seems to be working, since the record data is populating facets
(see https://pasteboard.co/IvUAC17.png), even for newly cataloged items, but
searches will not return a list of records. Searching for a specific title
should return the individual record page, but instead it fails to add the
bibnumber to the individual record URL. This leads to "The record you
requested does not exist ()." If I enter a bibnumber manually, the item page
loads normally.

Clip of opac-error.log: https://pastebin.com/cQyY7WGf.

Also, main section of OPAC gives 403 error, no search results returned at
all from the public side.

All xlst is disabled.

Any suggestions about where to look are greatly appreciated!

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