Hello Chris,

thanks for the feedback. I know that I have to consider a lot of things if 
hosting the Koha server in-house. The only advantage would be cost.

You ave me a good feeling for choosing an ISP. I will have look at the ISP 
Franz has mentioned.  3.99€/month is a good price. IONOS asks for  10€/Monat 
(VPS M: 2 Core, 2G RAM, 80G SSD) 


Am Sonntag, 26. Januar 2020, 15:54:59 CET schrieb Chris Brown:
> Hi Heinz-Jürgen,
> I don't have any experience of IONOS but I successfully host Koha on a
> virtual private server from Digital Ocean. For a long time we were running
> on a small configuration costing 20 USD per month though we have now
> upgraded as we're supporting 5 libraries (and a web site). I have had a
> smooth ride (though I do have prior experience of administering Linux
> servers). Digital Ocean will give you a VPS with Debian pre-installed which
> makes it easy to get started.
> If you're hosting in-house, some things to think about:
> 1. Does your ISP offer a static IP address?
> 2. You will need to set up a tunnel (or do I mean a bridge?) through your
> broadband router to your Koha server
> 3. You will need a way to do backups -- preferably off-site
> Good luck!
> Best Regards
> Chris Brown
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 12:53 PM Heinz-Jürgen Oertel <hj.oer...@t-online.de>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > just a short introduction, joined the list today.
> > I'm on the way to replace the currently used Allegro-B for our small,
> > about
> > 3000 books, library. The main reason is to have an OPAC to tell the world
> > what
> > we have collected so far in our specialized library.
> > 
> > We have two options
> > - installing koha on a separate pc (debian) on our premises, but so far I
> > don't know how can open the OPAC to the customers
> > 
> > - installing koha on an external virtual server with root access
> > My question, is there someone here having it done at IONOS, the former
> > German
> > company 1&1.
> > 
> > Or to you have better recommendations.
> > By the way, money is a very small resource in our association, German
> > Verein
> > e.V.
> > 
> > Greetings
> > 
> >         Heinz
> > 
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mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Halle (Saale)
       Heinz-Jürgen Oertel

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