Our next koha-US general meeting is *tomorrow*, Wednesday, February 12th!
Please note that we have a new Zoom link this month.

When: 8:30 AM PST / 9:30 MST / 10:30 CST / 11:30 EST (time converter
Where: https://zoom.us/j/648572897

This month we'll talk about locations for our annual conference with the
vote opening after the meeting, give an update on how special interest
groups are getting along, and more! As always, there will be time to
discuss Koha bugs, issues, and workflows so if you have a burning question
or want to rally behind an issue, be sure to bring it!

If you have specific topics for the agenda, please send them to

Meetings are held via Zoom video conferencing. A microphone and webcam are
recommended but not required. Zoom is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux
on desktops, and Android and iOS on mobile devices. For help getting
started, visit: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697

These meetings are free and open to any and all.

Jason Robb
koha-US secretary
Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

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