Excerpts from David Sale's message of 2020-07-31 19:12:13 +0000:
> However, adding "b.isbn" to the SELECT list (as with "b.title", "b.author", 
> etc.) breaks the report and renders it non-functional.

You might find this page useful, since it does provide some isbn examples:


The problem with your query is that isbn is not a field in the biblios
table; it is in the biblioitems table.  You'll need to join that table
to the query, perhaps like the one below.

SELECT bi.isbn, i.itemcallnumber, b.biblionumber, b.title, b.author, 
       i.barcode, i.datelastseen, i.issues AS totalcheckouts,
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN issues
USING (itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio b
USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi
USING (biblionumber)
WHERE homebranch = <<Home Library|branches>> AND location = <<Shelving 
location|LOC>> AND i.withdrawn=0 AND
i.itemlost=0 AND i.damaged=0 AND i.itemnumber NOT IN (SELECT issues.itemnumber 
FROM issues)
      AND  YEAR(NOW())-YEAR(i.datelastseen) > <<Years NOT seen>>
ORDER BY i.itemcallnumber ASC

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