On 09/09/2020 17:24, Nigel Titley wrote:
>> And answering my own question, it looks like it might be possible to
>> export the book inventory in MARC format and the Patrons as a CSV file.
>> And possibly the transactions in an offline format? If the worst comes
>> to the worst I can lose the transactions.
>> Does that sound like a plan?
> And answering my own question again it looks like that all I have to do
> is dump the database on the old machine, copy it across and install it
> on the new machine. The schema upgrade *should* be able to cope as I'm
> running a koha instance later than 3.4

And this indeed worked... so everyone please ignore my witterings. The
procedure I followed was

1. Install latest koha on the new machine
2. Use mysqldump to dump the whole koha database on the old machine
3. Copy across to new machine
4. Use "koha-create --create-db <library>" to create a koha instance on
the new machine
5. Drop the new empty database <koha_library> created by step 4
6. Create a new empty database <koha_library>
7. Use mysql to import the dump you made in step 2 into <koha_library>
8. Run koha-upgrade-schema <library>
9. Run koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f <library>
10. Restart apache (possibly not necessary but doesn't do any harm)

I now seem to have a fully functional new koha on a new machine

Thanks everyone (I know no one said anything but you were all there in



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