Hi Thomas,

it looks like the DNB SRU server no longer requires registration, but
this might still have a lot of useful information:


It suggests using: sru=get,sru_version=1.1,schema=MARC21-xml

And you will also want to set up the SRU search field mappings.

Hope this helps,


On 07.05.21 15:30, Thomas Klausner wrote:

(reposting from IRC, where I got warnocked):

Can somebody help me setting up a Z39.50/SRU server config?

We want to query https://services.dnb.de/sru/authorities, but I don't
get any results, because it seems Zoom gets a 400 error (which is not
reported to the UI)

I assume that dnb.de returns a 400 BAD REQUEST, but I cannot figure out
what request Koha is sending (and I don't want to dust off

What exactly do I have to configure in z3950servers.pl to make
dnb.de/sru/authorities work?

It currently does not work using:

   Hostname: services.dnb.de
   Port:     443
   Database: /sru/authorities
   Syntax:   MARC21
   Encoding: utf8
   Record Type: Authority
   Additional SRU options: 
   SRU Search fields mapping: EMPTY

I also could not find any docs on how to set up Koha to query a SRU
Server for authorities.

We have a working config using Z3950 to query authorities at bsz-bw.de;
and a working SRU config to query dnb.de for biblios, but this one uses
an account and has some "SRU search field mappings".

So my current guess is that the missing "SRU search field mappings" are
causing the problem.

Any hits would be appreciated!



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