Hello, Katrin et al!

    In our latest exchange, on 20 Jan. 2022 at 8:01 [JST], I received
this from you:

can you explain a little more what you are trying to do? What is the
> dollar syntax to be used for?

    In response to my question on 20 Jan. 2022 at 5:48 [JST], to wit:

      Is the coding for CJK characters represented by “[dollar]1” or
> “{dollar}1”?

I can’t find documentationone way or the other, but I know it’s one of them
> in Koha.

    At least half of my library's collection consists of works in a
writing system. According to the MARC tag coding standards at both the
of Congress and OCLC, non-Roman fields are supposed to be paired with
Roman-transcribed fields. Here are two examples, one in Russian and
the other in Japanese.

245 1 0 $6 880-45 $a Politika, ekonomika, pravo : $b russko-angliiskii
slovar' : 40 000 slov i slovosochetanii = Politics, economics, law :
Russian-English dictionary / $c S. I. Svetlanin.
880 1 0 $6 245-45/(N $a Политика, экономика, право : $b русско-английский
словарь : 40 000 слов и словосочетаний = Politics, economics, law :
Russian-English dictionary / $c С. И. Светланин.

245 1 0 $6 880-45$aNitchu sensou :$b senmetsusen kara shomosen e / $c
Kobayashi Hideo.
880 1 0 $6 245-45/[dollar]1 $a 日中戦争:$b 殲滅戦から消耗戦へ / $c 小林秀夫.

    The MARC 880 standard specifies a $6 in the following format.

$6 [linking tag]-[occurrence number]/[script identification code]/[field
orientation code]

    The script identification code for the Cyrillic alphabet is "(N", but
for CJK, it's "$1". Koha seems not to like "$1" in $6 because the dollar
sign indicates a beginning of the next subfield. I read or heard that
instead of "$1", "[dollar]1" is used, and that is what I use. I now see in
our catalog some records with "{dollar}1". So, we have records with both
"[dollar]1" but others with "{dollar}1". Now I'm confused.

    So, which one is it, "[dollar]1" or "{dollar}1"? I ask before I do a
mass-update (through MarcEdit) and fix the wrong set, I'd like to know. I
ask here because I have not been able to find documentation on either the
Koha Community website or elsewhere online.

    So thanks to everyone for tis help.

    P.S. Sorry for the extra spaces about the subfields. It helps me with

    P.P.S. The [field orientation code] seems not to be required but the
[script identification code] is.



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