
Thanks to all who answered my e-mail concerning patron permissions! Raymund Delahunty, Owen Leonard, David Nind, Joel Coehoorn, Michael Sutherland and Katrin Fischer!

I have saved all the information you gave me for other uses cases. But in our current library we are hesitating to use non-Koha-standard methods like external Javascript or plugins. Since we don't need to copy patron permissions very often we will wait until Koha implements a proper way to copy patron permissions, e. g. according to https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30623

For the cases when we actually need to copy patron permissions, for us the following way seems to be the easiest (instead of manual "box ticking") :

1. Find the cardnumber (here: 25) of a patron which has the desired patron permissions, then search for the patron permissions of this patron:

SELECT flags FROM borrowers WHERE cardnumber=25;

2. The result will show the number associated with the staff member’s permissions, for example:

| flags |
| 16900 |

3. Then update the field "flags" of another patron (here with cardnumber 26) which should receive the same patron permissions:

UPDATE borrowers SET flags=16900 WHERE cardnumber=26;

I have tested this successfully on my demo installation.

Best wishes: Michael
Geschäftsführer · Diplombibliothekar BBS, Informatiker eidg. Fachausweis
Admin Kuhn GmbH · Pappelstrasse 20 · 4123 Allschwil · Schweiz
T 0041 (0)61 261 55 61 · E m...@adminkuhn.ch · W www.adminkuhn.ch

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