Hi Christina,

this sounds like a problem with the API.

To verify if that is the cause of your problem: If you go to
Administration > Libraries, does the table with the libraries show? If
it doesn't:

 * How did you install Koha?
 * Which OS and which version of it are you using?
 * And if you can: what does your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
   look like?

Hope this helps,


On 22.07.22 10:50, Fairlamb, Christina wrote:

Since upgrading to 22.05 when using the search patron feature. on the
actual search patron page, the table shows up blank, with no patrons
matching the search term. Without pressing enter in the search bar it does
generate matching patrons whilst typing and they can be selected and used
as usual, it's just the table on the search patron page that shows nothing.


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