Hi :)

The poll shows that the 26th should be the most convenient date.

Let's meet at any moment in the following timeframe:
13h-19h UTC / 14h-20h UK/ 9h-15h US East/6h-12h US West
The place is https://visio.chapril.org/koha

Here is a resource about how to test patches using sandboxes:

Reminder of the modalities:
The idea is to test patches to contribute to Koha. No need for particular skills, just basic Koha usage. You can come an leave at any moment, even for a short time it's possible to get simple stuff moving forward. We will use a VoIP call with chat tool to speak and eventually screenshare. It's possible to join without sound and only use chat. So if you are at the front desk and there are not much patrons you can still test patches ^^ And also it's easier if you aren't comfortable with oral english.

No need to have a local Koha instance. Just with a web browser we can use the sandboxes [1] to have temporary Kohas to test most of patches and do whatever we want without bad consequences.


[1] https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes

Victor Grousset/tuxayo


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