Hello Caroline, 

If I may, how exactly does one run ./misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl ?? I've 
come across this instruction before, but wasn't able to find how this is done. 
I assume I would need to type in a command in the terminal? 

Best regards

Aida Đikić

-----Original Message-----
From: Caroline Cyr La Rose <caroline.cyr-la-r...@inlibro.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 10:17 PM
To: koha@lists.katipo.co.nz
Subject: Re: [Koha] Item search results displaying 264 publishing info?

I forgot to add that only records created after you've added the mapping will 
have the info from 264$b in publishercode.

If you want Koha to go through all your records, you need to run (or ask your 
provider to run) ./misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl . This will go through all 
the records and update the database entries with the correct information from 
the MARC record based on the Koha to MARC mappings.


On 2023-05-24 16:12, Caroline Cyr La Rose wrote:
> Hi Heather!
> Is 264$b mapped to publishercode in Administration > Koha to MARC 
> mapping?
> If you've been on Koha for a while, and didn't do it manually, it 
> might not be. In recent installs, it should be mapped out of the box
> https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29627
> https://koha-community.org/manual/22.05/en/html/administration.html#ko
> ha-to-marc-mapping
> Best,
> Caroline
> On 2023-05-24 16:00, Hernandez, Heather H wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I use the Item Search (by call number) in the staff interface for 
>> shelflisting, because it can sort Library of Congress call numbers 
>> correctly, and I've noticed that my recently cataloged items which 
>> have the publication information in the MARC21 264 field have a blank 
>> "Publisher" in the search results table.  The table of search results 
>> displays information from the 260 $b in the "Publisher" area of the 
>> search results, but not publishers from the newer 264 $b field.  Is 
>> there something that should be set or changed somewhere?  Or have I 
>> maybe found a bug??
>> We're on version and I couldn't find anything related to 
>> this in Bugzilla—if there is something there, could someone point me 
>> to it?
>> It's rather important information since the table of search results 
>> doesn't display anything from a 1XX field, and when I'm cataloging a 
>> pile of nautical instrument catalogs, a lot of the titles are, e.g., 
>> "Catalog no...." or "Bulletin..." or "Nautical instruments..." and 
>> the publisher in the 264 $b is the only displaying element that tells 
>> me the name of the company issuing the catalog (which I'm using to 
>> create the cutter portion of the call number).
>> Thank you!!  Cheerio!
>> h2
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Ms. Heather Hernandez (she, her, hers) Technical Services Librarian 
>> Library catalog: https://keys.bywatersolutions.com/
>> San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center
>> 2 Marina Blvd., Bldg. E, 3rd floor, San Francisco, CA 94123-1284
>> 415-561-7032 (office, generally M, W, F, telecommuting Tu,Th) 
>> heather_hernan...@nps.gov<https://webmail.lmi.net/src/compose.php?sen
>> d_to=heather_hernandez%40nps.gov>
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> Caroline Cyr-La-Rose, M.L.I.S. (she/her) Librarian | Product Manager
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