This will not be helpful, but it might be comforting and it might make you 
chuckle. I'm running my Koha instances on Ubuntu, and I haven't been able to 
install any Elasticsearch past 6.x, or on anything beyond Koha 22.11. I've 
gotten the "no nodes" error many times, also error messages about shards. Two 
instances have a status of green, one is still yellow. It works, which is the 
important thing.

My experience is that sometimes Elasticsearch installs successfully, sometimes 
it doesn't. When I tried to install Elasticsearch during a live demo at last 
month's koha-US conference (, it 
didn't go well at all, despite the fact that I had done a dress rehearsal the 
week before using THE EXACT SAME IMAGE AND COMMANDS. I didn't make a complete 
idiot of myself--my pants didn't fall down--but it wasn't one of my better 
presentations. When I got home I tried it again and it worked perfectly. I 
actually have a video of it in the works--I just need to add the narration.

I should add that I'm unsupported, and although I have made and broken more 
instances of Koha than most of you, I'm definitely not an expert in fitting all 
the parts together. YMMV.


Fred King, MSLS, AHIP
Medical Librarian, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ORCID 0000-0001-5266-0279
MedStar Authors Catalog:

If a black cat crosses your path, it signifies that the animal is going 
-- Groucho Marx

-----Original Message-----
From: Koha <> On Behalf Of Thomas Klausner
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2023 1:34 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Koha] Elasticsearch in Debian 12

**ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the MedStar Health network.
 ** DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know 
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On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 07:59:36PM -0500, Ricardo Vargas wrote:
> The error with the two forms of indexing is as follows:
> *koha-elasticsearch --rebuild -d -v lsbajio* [4119169] Checking state 
> of biblios index [4119169] Dropping and recreating biblios index 
> [NoNodes] ** No nodes are available: 
> [;!!D7IIWT94AA!9VAT
> hxI0e4HJyPMlE28y3ZwAYLjcmmOIMERMl7pt_hkfF3yZRjoHUxygqMJidWpG2ToGCISVjI
> TyKhY$ ], called from sub 
> Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct::__ANON__ at 
> /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/ line 
> 430.Something went wrong rebuilding indexes for lsbajio
> *koha-elasticsearch --rebuild -r -v lsbajio*[4119198] Checking state 
> of biblios index [4119198] Dropping and recreating biblios index 
> [NoNodes] ** No nodes are available: 
> [;!!D7IIWT94AA!9VAT
> hxI0e4HJyPMlE28y3ZwAYLjcmmOIMERMl7pt_hkfF3yZRjoHUxygqMJidWpG2ToGCISVjI
> TyKhY$ ], called from sub 
> Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct::__ANON__ at 
> /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/ line 
> 430.Something went wrong rebuilding indexes for lsbajio

This looks exactly like the problem caused by ES clients not wanting to talk to 
some versions of ES server. David posted this to the koha-devel list in another 
thread about the same problem:

which ES perl client is installed?

the newest version that still works with ES7 (which we are using) is;!!D7IIWT94AA!9VAThxI0e4HJyPMlE28y3ZwAYLjcmmOIMERMl7pt_hkfF3yZRjoHUxygqMJidWpG2ToGCISVtOdsL9o$

check currently installed version
`perl -MSearch::Elasticsearch\ 9999
Search::Elasticsearch version 9999 required--this is only version 7.717.`

if necessary, downgrade
`cpanm Search::Elasticsearch~"< 8.00"`

For us, downgrading "solved" the ES problems with newer Debians.

Thomas Klausner               domm         ;!!D7IIWT94AA!9VAThxI0e4HJyPMlE28y3ZwAYLjcmmOIMERMl7pt_hkfF3yZRjoHUxygqMJidWpG2ToGCISVIJ0MwGM$
Just another ( Perl | Postgres | Bicycle | Food | Photo | Vinyl ) Hacker

Moneglia, Italy, via Puck, 2 day exposure [ 2023-10-14 10:00 >;!!D7IIWT94AA!9VAThxI0e4HJyPMlE28y3ZwAYLjcmmOIMERMl7pt_hkfF3yZRjoHUxygqMJidWpG2ToGCISVF2kFR1Q$

Son #1 release a new very random, very fun game: Mosa Lina;!!D7IIWT94AA!9VAThxI0e4HJyPMlE28y3ZwAYLjcmmOIMERMl7pt_hkfF3yZRjoHUxygqMJidWpG2ToGCISVOgbLA5s$
[ 2023-10-24 19:57 >;!!D7IIWT94AA!9VAThxI0e4HJyPMlE28y3ZwAYLjcmmOIMERMl7pt_hkfF3yZRjoHUxygqMJidWpG2ToGCISV5-FvROk$
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