Melihat waktu sekarang (tgl jam sekarang) di belahan dunia lain.
Misal: sekarang di Indonesia (tgl 3 Okt 2009 pkl 07:24 pagi), maka sekarang di 
USA Central tgl 2 Okt 2009 pkl 06:24 malam)

Global Time Zones 

Select a country or region from the "Drop Box" .Selector below to view the 
current date and time in the selected region. While there are only 24 actual 
"Time Zones", we have 315 different cities or regions currently listed in the 
selection box to choose from. All Times are listed in "Standard" time, not 
"Daylight" time, if your region, city, or territory uses 'Daylight" time  you 
will need to add or subtract the "Daylight" hour, from he time shown. 

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